Sculptures – Clay, Plaster & Balanced Rocks
One of my superpowers is seeing images in 3-D or being able to see and understand an image from many different angles as well as implementing what I see and can understand and creating it in 3-D form.
The first shown here is an image of an imaginary creature that we each developed in a design class to represent our personalized internal creative spirit. I named mine, “Neuter Dude” as “he” seemed male but also non-binary. They are a cross between a playful silly horse… a griffin-like chicken’s body shape with wings and goldfish-fin-like feet… and short giraffe horns…
The other sculpture I am proud of is creating a life-size human figure from a live model over a few class meetings in a couple of weeks. Not only was it sturdy and would last, it was in correct proportion with a believable stance.
Neuter Dude - clay sculpture
Neuter Dude clay sculpture (view 2)
Organic shapes - clay sculpture
Life size - life sculpture of a human via a model - on plaster, chicken wire and wire on a wood platform
Life size - life sculpture of a human via a model - on plaster, chicken wire and wire on a wood platform - view 2
Life size - life sculpture of a human via a model - on plaster, chicken wire and wire on a wood platform - view 3
Life size - life sculpture of a human via a model - on plaster, chicken wire and wire on a wood platform - view 4
Labyrinth & Person-size Rock Towers
Labyrinth & Person-size Rock Towers - view 2
I created the Labyrinth from rocks collected and placed on site by another person. It was an amazing experience to be a Rock Gardner - it became a community effort of all who walked it and kept it in good order. And though I initially created it and stacked the rock towers I also replaced each one of them with help from passers by when it was vandalized and all the rocks were removed and tossed about the hillside as far as 150 feet away from the site